Otherwise called Car Festival, this staggering Chariot Festival is commended in the long stretch of Asadha, on the second day of the lunar fortnight that falls amid June-July. Famously known as Rath Yatra, this celebration is praised in the respect of Lord Jagannath who is accepted to be a manifestation of Lord Vishnu. The observed Ratha Yatra Festival is said to have begun in the season of Svarochisha Manu of the second manvantara and is anticipated to proceed until the finish of the second 50% of Lord Brahma's lifetime. Indeed, even in the Valmiki Ramayana, it is specified that when Lord Rama was preparing to leave this world, he told Vibhishan, Ravana's more youthful sibling, to adore Lord Jagannatha, the Lord of the Iksvaku line in His nonappearance.
The Skanda Purana likewise settles the date of the Ratha Yatra as the second day of the splendid fortnight if the long stretch of Ashadha, multi day called Pushyami Nakshatra by prophetic figurings. The Padma Purana depicts that in Purushottama-Kshetra, or Jagannatha Puri, the especially euphoric Personality of Godhead puts on a show to be made of wood. Along these lines, despite the fact that the Lord goes up against what has all the earmarks of being a material shape, it is totally otherworldly by the causeless leniency of the Lord for the molded spirits who can't see the supernatural space of His.
Upon the arrival of the celebration, the wooden symbols of Krishna, Balrama and Subhadra are taken out in parade in three chariots to their mid year sanctuary for seven days. The principle chariot is 14 meters high and 10 meters square with 16 wheels. The genuine development of the trucks starts two months previously the celebration day, on the third day of the splendid fortnight of Vaisakha (April-May). In excess of 600 trees, or 400 cubic meters of wood, are required for the development, taken from the neighborhood timberlands, along the banks of the Mahanadi River. Utilizing an indistinguishable basic devices and techniques from they have for as far back as many years, once the fundamental components are made, for example, the wheels, the genuine development starts just fourteen days before the celebration.
The ropes of the tremendous chariots are pulled by a great many fans. In the antiquated circumstances, fans would once in a while toss themselves before the chariot of Sri Jagananath, for it was trusted that to be smashed to death under its sixteen wheels was to go straight to paradise. Since Sri Jagannath is a type of Vishnu and Sri Krishna, a considerable lot of the customs saw in Puri sanctuary are related with occasions in the life of Sri Krishna. Hence, this yearly Car Festival speaks to Sri Krishna's Journey from Gokul to Mathura.